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Is Your Brand in Need of Renewal?
Ultra-luxury hospitality and wellness brands are no different from the guests who benefit from them. They both need rejuvenation from time to time.

Our experience tells us that great entities usually have great bone structure, but sometimes can benefit from a fresh perspective. In some cases, this may involve foundational changes. In others, it may require adding new programs or signature touches. And, occasionally, an existing strength that has gone unnoticed or has been underplayed must be teased forward to claim its
rightful place.

We excel at bringing new life and vitality to classic brands. It’s not unusual for us to secure a six-page cover story for a 40-year-old property. And we don’t simply get media coverage: Our programs increase occupancy, in some cases by as much as 80 percent.

What's our secret? We believe that the way to successfully reinvigorate the existing luxury hotel, resort, cruise ship or wellness destination with leading-edge concepts is to do so while honoring its roots and preserving the core aspects that have so endeared past customers. This delicate balance requires an
artful repositioning.

In the past few years, we’ve relaunched a variety of properties, including the first spa property in the United States and a revered resort in the Caribbean. Both have enjoyed more than 80 percent increases in occupancy since their "reinventions."

See case study:
Women’s Nutritional Retreat